To start off, let’s get one thing straight – nobody wants to move in the rain. It’s not exactly the best scenario for both your mood, or for the conditions of your items when running them to and from a moving truck. Moving is stressful enough, and rainy weather doesn’t help. However, having to move on a rainy day doesn’t have to ruin your day or experience. Read below for some tips on how to prepare for a rainy day move (or how to avoid one)!

How to Prepare for a Rainy Day Move

A lot of the time, your moving day is planned in advance and cannot be changed, especially if you’re moving out on the last day of your lease. A lot of the time, it’s all you can do just to hope to avoid a rain storm while moving your items. However, if you start seeing raindrops the morning of your move, it doesn’t have to throw the whole process off.

Check the Forecast

If rain is forecasted for an entire week in a row or for the entire day, there’s nothing much you can do to avoid getting wet. That being said, check the forecast to see any predictions for when rain might let up for a little while, or for when it might just be a little lighter. Try to make runs and get as much done as possible during this time, and take breaks when rain is heavier.

Cover Furniture

If you’re moving furniture or items that can be damaged by water, prepare for rain by getting plastic sheets or tarps to cover your things from the rain. Unless it’s torrential rain, your furniture should be kept safe from rainfall and moisture just from being wrapped up properly.

Make Sure Your Boxes are Secure

If using cardboard boxes in your boxes, make sure to keep your boxes secured and properly taped up to make sure they don’t fall apart or break while moving. The last thing you need is to have your box break open while making a run to the moving truck in the rain. Keep them as dry as possible, but make sure everything is secured and taped up properly.

Park as Close as Possible

The easiest way to avoid having the rain ruin a moving day is to minimize the distance you have to cover. Park the truck as close to your new home as possible and get as much in at once as you can (and have towels on hand).

A rainy day doesn’t have to throw off your entire moving day. If you start to see rain coming down, don’t get upset! Be prepared and get your things in as quickly as possible. Take breaks when rain comes down harder, and don’t stress yourself more than you have to. Good luck!

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